Over the past few months we’ve had many Eastwood and Airline celebrity sightings, so I thought I’d share a few to bring you up to date. Here’s the quick list:
- ALEXISONFIRE / City & Colours’ Dallas Green with his AIRLINE 2P Sunburst
- Mexican Wrestling legend VAMPIRO with his Eastwood MACH TWO (formerly known as J.R. Elite)
- DEFTONES Chino Moreno with his Joey Leone Signature
- Randy Bachman with his AIRLINE TUXEDO.
- BLACK LIPS Cole Alexander with his AIRLINE Twin Tone
- MYSTERY WHITE BAND Alex White with her CLASSIC 6
- The LEGENDARY Melvin Sparks with his EASTWOOD Doral
- EPIC RUINS Sam Anderson with his white Eastwood Stormbird Guitar
And now for some pics:
- ALEXISONFIRE / City & Colours’ Dallas Green with his Airline 2P Sunburst
ALEXISONFIRE / City & Colours: Dallas Green with this Airline 2P Sunburst
- Mexican Wrestling legend Vampiro with his Eastwood Mach Two (formerly known as J.R. Elite)
Vampiro with his Eastwood Mach Two Guitar
- Deftones Chino Moreno with his Joey Leone Signature
Deftones: Chino Moreno with his Eastwood Joey Leone Signature Guitar
- Randy Bachman with his Airline Tuxedo. Randy is working with Eastwood on developing a new Tuxedo model called the Tux Deluxe. Coming this Spring 2011.
Randy Bachman with his Airline Tuxedo Guitar
- Black Lips Cole Alexander with his Airline Twin Tone
Black Lips: Cole Alexander with his Airline Twin Tone Guitar
- Mystery White Band: Alex White with her Classic 6
Mystery White Band: Alex White with her Eastwood Classic 6 Guitar
- The LEGENDARY Melvin Sparks with his Eastwood Doral
Legendary Guitarist: Melvin Sparks with his Eastwood Doral Guitar
- EPIC RUINS Sam Anderson with his white Eastwood Stormbird
EPIC RUINS Sam Anderson with his white Eastwood Stormbird Guitar
Deftones’ Chino Moreno, NOT Stephen Carpenter, for God’s sake!
That would be Chino Moreno (singer/guitarist) of deftones with the Joey Leone guitar.
Hello! The Classic 6 is a fun guitar for sure. Miss Alex White plays in the band “White Mystery” through a Rockerverb Orange Amp here.
Check out the january 2011 issue of Rolling Stone… there’s a photo of Connor Oburst with an Eastwood!!!