Another wild and wacky NAMM show has come and gone. Good to see a lot of you out there this year and thanks for your continued support. Special thanks to Scott Hager, Wendell Ferguson, Carl Cook, Rob Roberge and Dave Robinson for their help at the booth. They also helped devour a good weeks worth of food and booze! Another successful NAMM Show. Here are a couple of picture and videos.
Airline Guitars: Winter NAMM Booth 2011

The Airline Guitars Booth at Winter NAMM 2011
Twin Peaks Moment Interview
Strange Alien Visit

An Alien Stops by the Airline Guitars Booth at Winter NAMM 2011
Guitar Geek Festival on MSNBC
A Nice WANDRE Comes Home

Me & My Wandre Guitar!
Musicians Network Interview
Keep up the Good Work, Guys! ,,,
I am looking for a 70’s stereo Ric bass copy made by univox/aria. Has anyone seen one?
Re: Ric copy…there is an Ibanez Ric bass copy at Cream City Music. Check their
hey it would be nice if airline offered some variety with the pickups. they seem to slap a humbucker in every thing. the point of buying old guitars is not only the look but the unique sound of all the diiferent pickups.