The Alamo is famous for lots of things. There’s the ass kicking and horrific bloodbath we all had to read about in school back in the day. There’s the present-day tourist trap where said bloodbath occurred (odd when you think about it, really. “Here’s where 50 men were gunned down with as much chance as those quail Cheney “hunts”. And here’s a gift shop!).
There’s the truly great moment of American Popular culture where Pee Wee Herman has to go to the Alamo to find his beautiful and prized bicycle (which, he has been told, is in the Alamo’s basement only to find, sadly, there is no basement at the Alamo). There’s the time Ozzy Osborne was arrested for public urination. The list is nearly endless.

Alamo Futura Reverb Guitar Amplifier
But that’s not the Alamo I’m talking about. No, our Alamo in question is the minor, albeit very cool, guitar and amp company that was out of San Antonio Texas from the late 40’s until their demise in the early 80s. Remember THIS Alamo, because they made some great stuff gear geeks might want to get a hold of.
Exhibit A: This twin twelve Alamo Futura Reverb is a true sleeper of a vintage amp classic. This is one of the greatest amps I’ve ever owned (or heard), and they are out there at still very reasonable prices on the vintage market.
When you’re looking at Alamo amps, it’s a good thing to know that there are three distinct periods:
- The late 40’s-1973: Amps are all tube, including tube rectifiers for most models.
- 1973-1980: Along with Music Man, Alamo starts using solid-state preamp sections with tubes for the output section.
- Post 1980: All solid state.

Alamo Futura Reverb Guitar Amplifier
The Alamo Futura Reverb pictured here is one of the hybrids. If you’re going to do a hybrid tube amp, solid state preamp and tube output is the way to go, as you can still get that classic output tube distortion we all know and love. This amp has a 12ax7 phase inverter, and, once the volume is about half way up, the amp drives the 7868 output tubes into a sweet, creamy, lovely overdrive. 7868s aren’t the most common tube but there are plenty of not to expensive NOS ones out there. ALSO, Electro Harmonics has a new one. While I haven’t heard the new one, if it’s anything like Electro Harmonics 6973, it’ll be a winner.
What do 7868s sound like? Well, they are a nine-pin version of the eight pin classic 7591. Electronically, they’re identical to the 7591, which is one of the truly underrated tubes for blues and garage, rock guitar overdrive tones. They are between (both tonally and wattage) a 6V6 and a 6L6, so this Alamo puts out about 25 watts , plenty for small gigs without too loud a drummer or bass player.
You can tell by the control panel that they were looking to look like a Fender Twin Reverb. You’ve got channel one on the left. Then, there’s the Tremolo/Reverb Channel two. The reverb can give you a subtly jazzy ambience and go all the way up to cave-swelling psychedelic, with some fine surf tones in the middle.
The tremolo is among the best I’ve ever heard in an on-board tremolo section. At lower, more subtle settings, you can get 50’s R&B tremolo, but turned up you can get that radical throbbing musical tone from The Smith’s “How Soon is Now?’ It’s a smooth wave not so much of a harsh square wave tremolo that tends to get choppy and helicopter-sounding at the highest intensity setting. This one always sounds musical even at the highest setting. There’s a fine sweep in speed, as well.
Both channels have volume/treble and bass knobs that are very responsive. The verb/trem channel, of course, has added knobs for speed & intensity and depth of reverb.
And while the all-tube Alamos are great sounding (and more expensive) amps, these solid-state/tube output models are incredible sounding and brilliantly designed amps. Because the rectifier, like the preamp, is solid state, the designers intelligently put in a stand-by switch that keeps your power tubes from getting zapped with all the B+ voltage from the get go.
Information on these is pretty scarce. Mine has one alnico CTS and one Jensen Ceramic (which sound pretty nice together, by the way). If anyone knows the original speaker, feel free to drop me a line at:
This is an incredible amp, and still a relative bargain on the vintage market. I plan on getting some of the other models and seeing what else if out there. Here’s yet another great vintage amp that will keep you from getting into that Fender/Marshall everyone sounding alike kind of tone. Dig the Alamo Futura Twin Twelve Reverb model #2567
OK, now I got mine, so I can tell others about it. I was tempted to but three or four more of these before ever writing a column about them, just so I’d have a stash before word got out. But one’s enough. Well, maybe I’ll get a second, but anyway, here is an amp you should own! Start spreading the news.
I have exactly the same amp that you have pictured. My dad bought in the mid 80’s, and it wasn’t new then. It has the combination of transistors and tubes you speak of. It has traveled a lot of miles in the trunk of his car – or bed of his truck – and still sounds great today. In a small room, I never turn the volume past 2!
I have one, I am looking for a diagram or pictures of the circuit board and close ups of the pots wiring configurations.
I have a Alamo Future Reverb2567 Amp, 110watts, 115volts, 60 cycle. I was going to sell it, its just sitting in attic, how much money should I get for it, I’m going to check this out more online E-mail for Johns comment I can take a pic of circuit board for you.
Anybody know where to get schematics for alamo amps? Got a Fiesta model 2573 on the bench with non-functioning tremolo. Contact me @ Thanx!
I inherited the Futura from my dad. I did not know it was a hybrid. It has the original speakers but the writing on them is not legible. I had heard that it had 35 watts. But 25 with tubes is plenty of power. My 1963 piggy back Fender Bassman had 60 watts and it was loud and used in large halls. (War Memorial Auditorium in Ft. Lauderdale)
I just got a strat with custom shop ’69 pickups and this amp and that guitar are a great combo.
What are these worth?
Oh, Mine is the 2567 110 watts???
My 2567 was pulled out of a barn (totally covered in bird sh*t) and has been my main gigging amp for nearly a decade (still using the original tubes).
The speakers (original) are actually labeled Alamo, and the cone has a stamp: LCC 2843.
The metal cover on the back of the magnet states: “Application Engineered ALAMO Electronics Corporation”
Anyone have any good suggestions on tone settings to get me started? Just picked one up
I have one of the original speakers you need for your amp. It is a 16 ohm round ceramic magnet cts with aluminum dust cap. It is for sale on ebay. Item # 191322805772 I also have a Futura Model. As yours, one of the original speakers was blown so I replaced them with similar heavier magnet CTS models from the same era.
I need help finding more info for Alamo 2578 super band piggy back. Anyone have any knowledge of these or other Alamo amps. Thanks,
I’ve got a 1965 Alamo 2586W Fiesta guitar. Looking to get a headstock waterslide decal….Any ideas where to source one would be welcome. Thanks, Rich
I just picked up an all tube at a sale today. It has a model 3 amp according to the top and serial number is 22. It blew the breaker when I plugged it in but it’s going to my buddies shop tomorrow. I cannot find another online to compare it to. Has a big chrome DeLuxe emblem kinda diagonally over top left of the speaker. The wrap is in great condition and has huge metal tacks patterned around the front perimeter and the speaker. The only fabric is over the circle cutout for the speaker. I was told it was made in 1944! Anybody with info?? I will check back here later.