Eastwood Celebrity Sightings (August 2011)

Eastwood Celebrity Sightings: Mr. Uzaki Ryudo, Peter Silberman from The Antlers, EELS, and Voodoo Zombie’s Lu Cifer!
Eastwood Celebrity Sightings: Mr. Uzaki Ryudo, Peter Silberman from The Antlers, EELS, and Voodoo Zombie’s Lu Cifer!
What do you get when you take one of best bands to ever come out of Canada and make a record with an all-star cast of singers? Perhaps the best album of the year, that’s what.
The new ’59 Custom version of this model is being seen all over town these days. Check out this new video from Wendell Ferguson, and pay close attention to the SCTV bit at the end.
Last month I was alerted to someone shredding on an AIRLINE MAP Guitar. Although cool, it just seemed weird to me. Beautiful, but weird.
Eastwood Guitars and Joey Leone wanted to improve the already sucessful Joey Leone Model, they wanted it to be more responsive and resonant. We decided to think outside the (usual guitar) box and use Alder wood as the centerblock instead of rock maple.
Check out the new video from Hollerado produced by Greg Jardin. Amazingly it was done in one take, with one camera. Watch it a few times and you will get a sense of how difficult it is to pull this off. As an added bonus, the AIRLINE guitars and straps look awesome!
Black Lips are out on tour this month (link to tour dates) and I hooked up with them yesterday in Toronto during their sound check. Cole is using an AIRLINE Twin Tone as well as a ’59 Town & Country. Go check them out in your city!
We were very saddened to hear about the loss of a true guitar legend. Melvin Sparks will be missed. RIP, Melvin.
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